Q & A with Ballet Trove

We had the pleasure of speaking with Renata, owner of local business Ballet Trove on all things ballet (naturally) and to of course find out what she would do with that elephant…

In 3 words what does ballet mean to you?

Discovery. Connection. Expression.

What would be your favourite ballet to dance?

Romeo and Juliet and Manon

Do you believe that ballet is a readily accessible art-form?

Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that initial exposure to view it and to attend class is more accessible
at a basic level, especially with technology and shows for children closing and bridging the gap towards initial introduction and exposure where classes aren’t available. Also, more and more companies are touring around to regional areas, as well as, bringing ballet to new demographics within cities and communities. No in the sense that to pursue it as a hobby regularly or professionally, you need to be in certain locations, and have access to various resources to pursue it at a high and sustainable level – this also relates to attending performances.

What do you believe is a typical misconception about ballet that you would like to set straight?

That it’s easy. It’s a lifelong pursuit of beautiful yet challenging progress that makes everything else in life seem so much easier in comparison.

What are you reading right now?

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

1 thing that most people don't know about you?

I am a Multipotentialite. Political Scientist, Film & TV Producer, Dance Teacher, Journalist, Data Analyst and mother.

Why is the work BWB do so important?

Ballet without Borders, brings ballet to those who may never have had the opportunity to encounter it before, allowing them to experience the joy of movement, expression, music, and connection with their link minded community. BWB works with communities regardless of socio-economic status and makes attending lessons more accessible.

Article 27:1 of the Declaration of Human Rights states:

(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. BWB makes this more achievable.

Favourite ballet to watch?

Romeo and Juliet and Manon

If you could go back to a point in time in your life, what advice would you give yourself?

I often look backwards on life as if I were 80 and try to live with no regrets. Therefore, I don’t look backwards, but forwards. I pursue things I am curious about and give my all to each season of life and live by the quote “A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.” I take life by the horns, and live, love and learn. Make the most of where you are and the people around you and learn from others. The secret to life is to find your gift. Your purpose is to give it away.

You have been given an elephant! You cannot sell it or give it away, what do you do?

I would move to an area where it will flourish in a beautiful environment and make it part of our community and learn from its strong and nurturing nature. I’m sure the kids would like to ride it to school ☺